Bone Mineral Density Testing

Bone Mineral Density Testing

Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) is the most common method to measure a patient’s bone density. Bone density is the best predictor of fracture risk that we have available to us in the field of medicine. The test is easy to perform and the amount of radiation exposure is very low. The bone density is quantitated by passing two x-ray beams through the spine, hip, and possibly the forearm. Based on the difference of the energy of the two beams a sensor on the undersurface of the body can determine a density or thickness of the bone. Measurements from one site actually predict the likelihood of fractures of other body sites as well as of that particular site.

Note: On the day of the test, you may eat a normal meal, but you should avoid taking your calcium supplement for 24 hours prior to the test. The test takes 10 to 20 minutes and is painless. There is no IV or other injections needed for this test.

Some AE physicians are certified in Nuclear Medicine and coordinate and interpret the following nuclear medicine studies through Beaumont hospital.

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