Health Providers of Associated Endocrinologists in Farmington Hills, Michigan

Clinical Trials

Volunteers Needed for Type 2 Diabetes Research Study

Research Question: Does CGM Reduce Hyperglycemia in People with Type 2 Diabetes?

Goal of the Study:

To compare the impact of CGM to finger stick glucose monitoring in adults with Type 2 diabetes on oral/injectable medications with HbA1c > 7.5% (not on insulin)

You May Qualify If You:

  • Are 18 years or older
  • Have been diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes
    for more than 6 months
  • Have an HbA1c > 7.5% at screening
  • Are on at least one diabetes medication
  • Are NOT on insulin
  • Have NOT used a CGM in the last 3 months
  • Willing to check sugars by finger stick once
    per day

Participation Involves:

  • Seven visits at Associated Endocrinologists, most under 1 hour
  • Three blood draws
  • Three 14 day CGM sessions
  • Financial compensation for the seven visits (must complete all seven)


  • Associated Endocrinologists
    32255 Northwestern Hwy, Suite 214
    Farmington Hills, MI 48334

Interested? Go to
Scan this QR code to complete a survey. If you
qualify you will be contacted for further

Questions? Contact or call 248-855-5620.

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